David Lingren

Retired IT professional doing volunteer work and casual web development projects.

David lives in El Cerrito, CA and has been a Computer development professional for over 30 years. He most recently served as Fair Trade Judaica’s Chief Technology Maven. He previously was a faculty member at Carnegie Mellon University’s West Coast Campus, a Board Member of the Andrew Carnegie Society of Carnegie Mellon University, and a Board member of Emeryville Taiko Dojo.

Media Library Assistant – a WordPress Plugin

The Media Library Assistant was inspired by our work on the Fair Trade Judaica site. We had hundreds of images and download files to manage and several custom taxonomies such as products, artisans, stories and Fair Trade Organizations to keep them organized.

The Assistant allows us to see where our images and downloads appear in the site as featured images or are inserted in page and post bodies. We can quickly find attachments in a particular category or tag as we add pages and posts to the site. We can re-assign attachments to a different author and change meta data such as the attachment name/slug.

I hope you find the plugin as useful as I do, and I am always interested in your comments and ideas for new features. Give me some feedback in the Support Forum. You can also use the “My Rating” scale on the Description page – let me know what I can do to rate five stars.

MLA Documentation

Complete documentation is included in the Documentation tab on the Settings/Media Library Assistant admin screen and the drop-down “Help” content in the admin screens. You can find a stand-alone version of the Documentation here: Media Library Assistant Documentation.

Of course, the Settings/Media Library Assistant Documentation tab runs as part of an installed and active MLA plugin. The stand-alone documentation here has some limitations. There are references and links to some of the Example Plugins included in the MLA plugin. The links must run within the MLA plugin to work; they have no effect in the stand-alone documentation.

All of the MLA source code has been annotated with “DocBlocks”, a special type of comment used by phpDocumentor to generate API documentation. If you’d like a deeper understanding of the code, navigate to the MLA phpDocs web page and have a look. Note that these pages require JavaScript for much of their functionality.

One of the most popular MLA features is the ability to extract metadata from image files and add it to Media Library items. You can find detailed information on this subject in this PDF document: Mapping File Metadata to WordPress Fields with Media Library Assistant.

MLA Technical Support

The very best way to get help with the plugin is to open a topic in the MLA Support Forum. If you need to send files or large amounts of supporting information you can start an email message by clicking the envelope icon at the bottom right portion of this page. Please use it gently; thank you! If the envelope icon isn’t working for you you can just send a message to "david" at this domain, "davidlingren" dot com.

Donations to Support MLA

I do not solicit nor accept personal donations in support of the plugin. WordPress and its global community means a lot to me and I am happy to give something back.

If you find the Media Library Assistant plugin useful and would like to support a great cause, consider a tax-deductible donation to our Chateau Seaview Fund at the Golden West Chapter of the ALS Association. Every dollar of the fund goes to make the lives of people with ALS, their families and caregivers easier. Thank you!

Other Interests

Software development of all types, trekking the Himalaya, trail building, making plum wine.

Back at the turn of the century David created a low-tech web site with images and journal entries from treks and other adventures. You can see the results at David Lingren & Ilana Schatz - Travel Web Site.